Kindness Sanctuary


The Kindness Sanctuary Masterclass Series video recordings are now available on the offerings page here

The mission of the kindness sanctuary is to provide a gathering place dedicated to the awakening of humanity and reverence for all life

How the Kindness Sanctuary began…

In March of 2012, while sitting in meditation early one morning around 4 am, I opened my eyes, looked to my left and saw St. Francais walk through the wall of my home and stand in front of me. I had never had an experience like this before and I remember I was quite calm and peaceful. St. Francais said to me. “I need you to do something for me” and I said “what is that”. St. Francais said, “I need for you to build a sanctuary and I need for you to teach people kindness because they don’t know how to be kind to themselves.” I said “Ok, I will but, I don’t know how to do that. He said “That’s ok, we’ll guide you. You’ll be shown everything you need to know” and then he bowed, turned and walked back through the wall and out of sight. I didn’t share this experience with anyone. 

While attending a sacred ceremony in March of 2020 I made a prayer asking for a vision of my Soul’s calling moving forward and to know how to accomplish that vision. I received a vision of a very beautiful place with gardens and a feeling of complete wellbeing came over me. There was a large central tree and a stream on the land with a round building near the tree made of earth with a magnificent ceiling of wood with an intricate geometric pattern and a light in the center. I was shown myself opening the front door of the building and holding out my hand to the person standing on the other side. I said “come, you are welcome here, All of you is welcome here.” I took the person's hand and led them into the center of the building where there were already a few others seated in their places. I made a place for the person I'd brought in and then I sat down among them and began to speak…

Is this the Kindness Sanctuary, I asked? I heard “yes it is. We have been preparing you all these years and now is the time and you are ready. You will be guided every step of the way and all of the resources needed will be provided.“  

I returned from that ceremony to the US the day they were closing the border to non-us citizens due to the pandemic. A few days later, a client wrote to ask if I would be offering a group energy healing or meditation on-line. So, I said yes again not knowing how I would do that. The following day, unsolicited, I received an email from a friend with the instructions for setting up virtual Zoom meetings. Following the guidance, the first gathering of the Kindness Sanctuary was held on March 24, 2020. It was well received and most attendees asked if I would continue to offer the gatherings.  A few days later I bought the url for the Kindness Sanctuary, quite astounded that it was available. The Kindness Sanctuary continues to unfold both as a virtual community and beyond into the physical. 

I continue to follow the guidance and the path keeps unfolding before me in magical and mundane ways...


D N A Healing

The DNA Healing Transmission below was received on 6/2/2020 and is being offered here as a gift to all of you. The transmission is coded with healing frequencies. My suggestion is to place your awareness inside your heart get quiet and make a clear intention of what you would like to release and what you would like to receive before reading the DNA Healing Transmission. With love and kindness, Kimberly

DNA Healing Transmission

Our DNA is an information storage system. Information in the form of frequency is stored in energetic packets along the strands of our DNA. Our DNA is composed of 12 original strands that each contain 12 strands within giving us 144 total strands of DNA. To understand this think of fractal geometry - there is an exact replication of the original strand stored inside each strand.

A microcosm held within the macrocosm - 

These energetic packets carry stored information from experience. The packets are frequency or codes that carry the information from the experiences we have had in the second dimension of experimentation.

There are multiple kinds of codes stored in the human DNA. We are specifically speaking of the codes of human miscreation. These codes are expressing at this time through the alchemical process of transmutation for the purpose of transcendence back into unification.

The first five dimensions and their functions are important to understand so we can work with and heal our stored experiences of miscreation. 

The 1st dimension is individuation or expression as individual from Oneness. Ancestral codes and past life codes are carried forward into the first dimension as we individuate. 

The 2nd dimension is the dimension of positive and negative polarities and its purpose is experimentation. Codes are generated in this dimension from the experiences we have.

The 3 dimension is the dimension of integration. Codes are unpacked in this dimension. This is the dimension of gaining awareness.

The 4th dimension is the dimension of transformation. This is the dimension in which the codes are transformed into awareness/understanding.

The 5th dimension is the dimension of transcendence where we transcend beyond identification with our experiences the codes are transmuted out of our DNA and back into the stream of consciousness. 

And the point of all of this is for Consciousness to understand itself.

Until the codes are unpacked and transmuted they stay in the DNA and are carried forward generationally and from lifetime to lifetime. As a like code or frequency meets a stored code/frequency in our DNA we experience a trigger. The meeting is a key to unlock the coded information in the DNA. This is where the term keycodes comes from. 

These codes include collective trauma and individual trauma. To understand how to work with these codes and move into the fifth dimension - the frequency of unconditional love and it’s higher octave - compassion we need to understand timelines.  

Timelines of creation are created from experiences that are based in love or positive frequency. These are experiences without judgment. Unconditional love is the frequency of non-judgment.

Timelines of miscreation are created from experience that is based in fear. Fear is based in judgment. These are the unprocessed timelines where the stored codes we are speaking of are found in our DNA.

Upon receiving keys to the stored codes (triggers) we have the opportunity to unpack, examine, decipher, discern our place in the creation of it, forgive and transmute the codes back into the universal stream of consciousness.

This is the work of the fourth dimension of transformation. Once we’ve integrated/understood the experience from all sides, all perspectives, mine and there’s, we then move into non-judgment of the experience. This in turn allows for release from the first 4 frequency expressions, the first second third and fourth dimension. 

We can then move into the release of identification as either victim or aggressor, right or wrong, good or bad and transcend into the fifth dimension of awareness as a unified whole. I am you, you are me, I am in you, my positive and negative qualities are in you and yours are in me.

We are all simply 

1 Expressing as individual 

2 Experimenting as positive and negative polarized energies

3 Integrating the energies/information, discerning, understanding and growing consciousness by understanding multiple perspectives

4 Transforming by releasing judgement and preference

5 Transcending back into unified consciousness

We are all fractals of the hole, the point of origin, of Oneness. 

How did we all get here?

Consciousness/the Divine asked a question. I want to understand myself so how can I do that? Fragment myself into multiple expressions so that I can see myself from every perspective possible.

You, the I Am, is one individuation, an individual expression of consciousness. 

The creation of “the Other” seeing another through duality as separate from me in judgement is the cause of the suffering of humanity. 

I am good and you are bad because you are different is creation for fear which has the potential to cause harm and has caused much suffering that has been carried forward through the unhealed DNA of the collective of human timelines of miscreation.

At this time, we are now receiving the keycodes, the keys to the stored codes in the human DNA. We have the opportunity to do the work of integration, (understanding and awareness) through soul retrieval, shadow and inner child work, forgiveness work and doing the transformation work of releasing judgment, blame and fear of “the Other” into the frequency of compassion which is the highest humanly octave of the expression of love, of Consciousness. 

We can do a great deal of this work by transmuting the codes from the DNA through intention to forgive and release the traumas and through participating in individual and group energy healing practices.

Forgiving ourselves and “the Other” is the central key to unlocking and transmuting these DNA codes from the collective.

Healing the fear of “the Other” 

Statements like...

-I don’t want to be like you

-I am not like you

-They are not like us

-I don’t understand you and therefore you are bad/wrong

- I believe the opposite and therefore you are wrong and I must eliminate you

All expressions of fear of “the Other”

Beliefs are not facts, they are thoughts habitually thought with an emotion attached to them. All beliefs can be changed or released. All fear has the potential to cause harm. Healing the fear of “the Other” brings one into a state of compassion, of reverence, of peace.

 Humanity is in a state of great transformation and transcendence. The future is bright. Choose to move through this shift consciously and intentionally. Choice is your greatest power. It’s a miracle and a gift. Choose to bring yourselves to a state of internal quiet and be willing to be uncomfortable in order to change. Change is the only constant and when you choose to approach this time of great change from nonresistance you eliminate your own suffering. The future is bright -  focus there. Be in the work and focus. How you choose to move through this change is up to you. Love, love, love. Peace, peace, peace.

This DNA Healing Transmission is copyrighted material. This transmission must be shared in its entirety with the original copyright in tact.

copyright© kimpencelight 2020

There is a LIVE recording of the DNA Healing Transmission available on the Offerings page for those who would like to receive the healing and transmutation frequencies embedded in the LIVING recording to assist in clearing ancestral and collective trauma from our DNA. This recording is intended for your personal use, please respect the sovereignty of the work. Please reach out for permission if you would like to share this recording with a group. Healing the collective timelines of miscreation is the work of ascension and is my personal prayer for all sentient beings and the awakening of humanity. I offer you a deep bow of gratitude for your participation.