Soul Coaching

What Is Soul Coaching?

Soul Coaching is a deep dive into your internal world and Soul path. It is self-awareness work that teaches/enables you to access new streams of intelligence and shift disruptive patterns. The purpose of this work is to help disrupt limiting beliefs, conditioning and programming to transform conditioned reactions into conscious, considered responses.

Soul Coaching uncovers one's passions and purpose in life and awakens abilities and personal qualities that have long been dormant. It provides direction allowing you to move forward and achieve your goals. The results: Reclaim your Inner Authority and live a passion filled purpose driven life of self-mastery, success, fulfillment and Love.


this work is for you if:

  • You have a desire to transform your life and are willing to do the work to change what isn’t working

  • You are on the Ascension path and need guidance from a Master Wayshower

  • You are habitually giving and find it hard to receive

  • You are empathic and/or highly sensitive and need training to live an empowered life as an empathic badass.

  • You want to embody your genius instead of your woundedness

  • You want training in energetic self-care

  • You are having unexplained or mystical experiences and need guidance to understanding them

  • You sense you have transpersonal/psychic gifts and want to know how to work with them

  • You are in the dark night of the soul and need guidance

What Happens In A Session?

During a Soul Coaching session, we open sacred space to create a safe nurturing environment through compassion and unconditional presence where you can be heard and where you can ask intimate questions concerning all aspects of life and receive answers without judgement.

We have a conversation to discover what is blocking you and I teach you how to unlock your own inner knowledge, rebuild your internal dialogue, rewire your neural pathways and access self-compassion.

Channeled wisdom and healing energy are always a part of Soul Coaching sessions.

The session ends with clear directions and action steps for you to move forward on your path. Each session is unique and tailored to work with what is coming up for you in the present moment. This honors you as a unique Soul and also honors the part of you that needs attention now. trusting Divine timing and surrender to the Souls evolutionary path. The results are life changing transformation.


What You Will Receive:

  • 55 minute Soul Coaching session on Zoom with a recording if desired

  • Session may include: activations, channeled wisdom, personal guided meditations

  • Support & guidance from a master Soul Coach & Wayshower

  • An action plan including personal practices to implement into your daily life

  • Alignment between your conscious desire and subconscious beliefs

  • keys to your own wisdom and natural abilities