Earth Star + Soul Star Unification & Divine Mind Activation • Free

Earth Star + Soul Star Unification & Divine Mind Activation • Free


This Activation is for Starseeds and Interplanetary Souls. In this Unification and Divine Mind Activation you will be guided to ground to the 5th dimensional grid of the new earth and to your point of origin aligning you to your Earth Star - Soul Star and activating your Core Star. This activation brings you into your Light Body - the power point of conscious ascension. You will be guided to activate your divine mind with your heart mind and your gut mind creating powerful synergy of unification in consciousness.

For sensitive souls who find it challenging to be here on earth, this activation anchoring you to the vibration of the new earth grids of limitlessness and reverence for all life will ease and eventually eliminate the sense of needing to get out of here. Once you have made the choice to be here on earth your gifts and abilities can be accessed and utilized to create your particular genius.

This is a powerful tool of transformation embedded with transmutation energy for change to move you into higher states of consciousness and broader perspectives of understanding.

Duration 22 minutes

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