Grounding Into Compassion Meditation • Free

Grounding Into Compassion Meditation • Free


In this meditation you will be guided to release lower density energy and move into Higher Light.

This meditation is a deeply relaxing guided journey bringing you into a state of grounded presence, connected to the Divine and into the Circle of Compassion.

The Circle of Compassion is a space in our energy anatomy where we can see from a broader perspective without judgement. A place of rest and care for the Soul. In this space you can release anything you no longer need into the light and you can call to you what it is you need to receive form the light of compassion.

In this meditation you will learn how to balance your energy, elevating yourself into the rarified energy of non-judgement and reverence, of nurturing and acceptance, of kindness and belonging.

This is a deeply healing practice and I recommend using this self-transformation tool often.

Duration 23 minutes

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